Why I Volunteer: Jeesoo Park, Teacher
Jeesoo Park
Exhale to Inhale Teacher Since 2014
What drew you to be a part of Exhale to Inhale?
I know what yoga has gifted me: a sense of energy, elation, accomplishment. I teach because I want to provide that for others, but I volunteer specifically with Exhale to Inhale because I also know that those who need yoga the most often have the least amount of access to it. Any sense of relief I can give that helps my students feel a little more prepared to take on the next step in their recovery makes it more than worth it for me.
What is the most rewarding aspect of teaching for Exhale to Inhale?
The ability to provide someone with what he or she needs in that exact moment -- whether it's a moment of breath in the midst of chaos, a few seconds of finally taking ownership of their bodies, or a totally undisturbed hour of sleep (I've had some students nap straight through class on their mats, and it always makes me really happy).
What is the most important message you'd like to share with our community?
The survivors we teach are stronger than we think they are, it's important not to underestimate their resilience or fortitude.
At Exhale to Inhale we often talk about how we take what we learn on the mat, off the mat. How do you bring yoga into your daily life?
Two of my biggest personal takeaways from yoga are: one, take your time, there's no need to rush; and two, the moment you compare your practice to someone else's, you tend to lose your balance. I probably need to remind myself of each of these at least once a day, but I'm grateful to my yoga journey for bringing me these regular reminders when it comes to other areas of my life.
Breathing is an integral part of what we teach at Exhale to Inhale, how do you come back to yours?
In for four, out for four. Whether it’s practicing yoga, running a race, or sitting at my desk during a moment of stress, counting slowly through inhales and exhales always brings it back for me…
Who, or what, inspires you (or your teachings)?
My Exhale to Inhale students who have the ability to laugh and smile after what they've been through inspire me. Fellow instructors who are incredibly gifted guiders inspire my teachings.
What is one favorite self-care thing you do?
I try to schedule one day a month where I literally do not leave my bed (except to walk the dog). That typically involves multiple meal deliveries and endless episodes of Law & Order. It is 24 hours of perfection.